From the president - October 2022

February 13, 2024

t’s scary to think that we are already in October and plans are underway for Christmas!

But we still have so much to cover before the end of year and need not lose sight on Business and winding down too early.

November Is Small Business Month

November is Small Business Month and we want to ensure that you not only finish the year strong but are also be set up to start the new year off with a bang!

For the month of November Business Port Macquarie will be running a business course. This will be run on Wednesday evenings from 6pm-9pm and open to all small business owners.

We will cover topics such as HR, Working on your business & marketing to name a few. Places are limited so early registration is essential.

You do need to be able to commit to all classes whether you take in turns with a partner or staff member or attend all yourself. This is open to members and non-members you just need to be in business.

Please register your interest by emailing

Coffee With Katherine

We had another fantastic “Coffee with Katherine” last month. This is a great way for those thinking of becoming members or existing members to have a relaxed chat with our Executive Officer Katherine whilst meeting other members in a casual relaxed atmosphere.

A great way to share ideas and support each other. The feedback we have had from attendees so far has been very positive and they are enjoying the casual setting, coffee & chat.

If you would like to join us for our next “Coffee with Katherine” you will find us at Zebu, Rydges on Wednesday, 16 November at 10am.

AGM and Network Evening

On Tuesday, 25 October at 6pm at the Mercure we have our AGM. Come along and find out what our volunteer board have been doing behind the scenes this year as we work to improve the network and connection opportunities for all members.

We have three board positions available for Business Port Macquarie. If you would like to get more involved with assisting the business community, we would love to hear from you.

Please contact us at Following the AGM we have our State Member of Parliament Leslie Williams to give us some insights into what is happening locally as well as with State Government.

This event is proudly sponsored by Port News and you can find all the details here.

Charity Golf Day

On Friday, 28 October we have the joint Business Port Macquarie & Westpac Rescue Helicopter Golf Day at Wauchope Golf Club, proudly Sponsored by Oxley Insurance Brokers.

To register for any of our events please click here for all the details.

Last Month

Pictured: President – Alex Glen-Holmes, The Co-Op -Tim Walker and Executive Officer – Katherine Harris

Last month on the 9th September our Executive Officer, Katherine, and myself were lucky enough to attend the Business NSW Mid North Coast Business Awards.

This event saw a range of fabulous businesses from Bulahdelah to Coffs Harbour represented. We are excited to congratulate members of Business Port Macquarie that were finalists on the night as well as those that won their categories.

Winning Businesses from Business Port Macquarie including

  • Port Macquarie Performing Arts for Excellence in Innovation.
  • Port Macquarie Medical Aesthetics for Excellence in Small Business
  • Highly commended to Port Macquarie Performing Arts.
  • David Ross from Direction Accounting & Business Coaching for Outstanding Business Leader.
  • Brows By Willow Excellence in Micro Business
  • Highly Commended to DPH Handyman & Yard Maintenance
  • All Disability Plan Management received a Highly Commended in Excellence in Large Business and also won Employer of Choice.
  • Business Port Macquarie for Outstanding Chamber of Commerce.

Congratulations to Business NSW on a fantastic night.

Don’t forget to join our discussion and promote your business to others on our Facebook Chamber Chats Group

Have a great month
